Story of the Laughing Buddha & Its Different Forms

Laughing Buddha

Better known as the Laughing Buddha, a stout, happy, and joyous persona is one of the globally famous talismans of happiness and a lucky charm. Even though this sculpture is also called the Laughing Buddha, he is not Gautama Buddha; rather, he is based on Budai, a Chinese Buddhist monk who is said to have been dynamic, happy, and jovial. 

This article aims to explain the beginning and meaning of the laughing Buddha as well as the different manifestations of a similar statue.

The Origins of the Laughing Buddha

The sculpture called The Laughing Buddha is also known as Budai or Hotei in Japan, and he was a Zen monk from China who lived in the 10th century. He was described as being friendly and with this, he would take a cloth bag with items like toys for the children and other needy people. 

Thus, in the course of history, people who have a cheerful disposition and carefree character were appreciated. The nature of this personality profile includes such traits as being wealthy, kind, and happy. However, gradually, the figure of the Lucky Man became associated with such attributes and therefore was acknowledged as the symbol of luck both among the Buddhists and the Taoists.

Symbolism of the Laughing Buddha

There is symbolism in every part of the stature of Laughing Buddha – the staring eyes and the raised collar.

  1. Smiling face: The essence of the Laughing Buddha stands for contentment, hope, and good temper which he brings through his funny smile.
  2. Big Belly: This shows affluence because being happy is all that matters in life, not all the wealth one possesses in life.
  3. Sack of treasures: an anthropomorphic figure associated with the figure of a woman who has a sack, full of precious stones and foods as well as gifts, symbolizing the husband’s wealth and easy life.
  4. Praying Beads or Mala: Several representations depict him holding prayer beads as an aspect of his wisdom as well as his association with the path of enlightenment.
  5. Children Around Him: beside him, some youth are depicted playing around him, thus representing the god of children, symbolizing protection and prosperity.

Sometimes, he has an ornamental scepter known as the Ruyi Staff; this suggests authority, good tidings, and the power to fulfill wishes.

laughing buddha with children
View Our Laughing Buddha Statues

Different Forms of the Laughing Buddha

People depict the Laughing Buddha in several ways and each of those representations has a different meaning concerning life and wealth.

  • Standing Laughing Buddha: This form depicts joy, success, and fortune. It is being said that the plant has some powers that lead to prosperity and success in any activities one may undertake.
  • Laughing Buddha Holding the Gold Bar: It’s said that the laughing Buddha holding the gold bar is a symbol of wealth, therefore the figure is frequently used in business or commercial spaces or homes.
  • Laughing Buddha with a sack: Standing with a sack of goods, intended for receiving blessings and protection against all kinds of evils.
  • Reclining Laughing Buddha: Known for inviting welfare and relaxation, this particular position invokes hesitation in life.
  • Laughing Buddha with Beads: To bring smiles to people’s hearts, this sculpture is meant to symbolize spiritual wealth, the sixty-four thousand things, and the importance of knowing the value of the wealth we possess and seeking good health, fortune, and happiness.
  • Laughing Buddha with a Fan: The fan is often regarded as a symbol of happiness in various cultures. It is believed that using a fan can help dispel misfortunes, contributing to a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
  • Laughing Buddha Holding Child: This represents happiness, and fertility and indicates good fortune especially when is placed at home.

Worship and Cultural Influence

You are right since the figure known as Wu-Wei is cherished by different Asian cultures. In homes, offices, temples, and wherever the families wish to obtain a favorable condition, statues and figurines of him are placed. The Feng Shui that originated from the Chinese culture holds that the traditional comical figure of the Laughing Buddha figure should be placed in the sector SE in a living/ working space. It is also believed that touching on the Buddha’s abdominals creates positive results and even wealth.

laughing buddha
View our Fat & Happy Buddha Statues

Laughing Buddha is identified to be a sign of happiness, happiness, wealth, and richness without any boundary constraint. His forms involve the rich and the powerful, the successful and the successful seekers of the ultimate goal, the life partner, and the family. Therefore, through his biography and symbolism, one can incorporate his values such as charity, positivism, and serenity into one’s existence.

Lotus Sculpture is the ultimate source of exquisitely crafted Laughing Buddha sculptures & other forms of Buddha Sculptures, divine murals, and other spiritually vibrant artwork to bring joy and prosperity to your space.

The Story Behind Lord Nataraja: The Form of Lord Shiva

dancing shiva- Nataraja

Goddess Parvathi’s consort Lord Shiva is well known in the world of Hinduism and is worshipped in several forms and each form signifies a particular facet of life. Of these, I have selected one of the most graceful and meaningful – Nataraja posturing. The sculpture depicts Nataraja or the “King of Dance”, wherein Shiva in his Cosmic form, represents the cycle of existence, destruction, and recreation, the beat of time and beyond the physical. 

nataraja statues
View Our Dancing Shiva Statues

This article delves into the origins, significance, and deeper symbolism behind Lord Nataraja’s form.

The Origins of Lord Nataraja

However, the depiction of Lord Shiva in dancing posture also has an important cultural and religious value; especially for the southern part of India most associated with Tamil Nadu. The Saivite depiction of dance is called the Dance of Shiva also known as Ananda Tandava, and it has a devoted importance in the Chidambaram temple.

It is significant to note that the concept of Nataraja is stated to have emerged in the course of the Chola dynasty which existed from the 9th to 13th century CE. They now witnessed several bronze sculptures that are mostly focused on the depiction of Shiva.

The Symbolism of the Nataraja Form

The Nataraja Statue can be considered as one of the greatest achievements both from a spiritual and artistic point of view. Each of the objects depicted in the picture is symbolic of a certain philosophy:

  1. Dancing Posture (Tandava): In the center of the picture there is depicted Shiva dancing within the ring of fire that symbolizes the life-death-rebirth process.
  2. Four Arms: Each of his four arms relates to a different cosmic function:
  • The right upper hand holds a drum (damaru) which denotes the creation and the sound of the universe.
  • The upper left hand has fire or agni which symbolizes destruction or change.
  • In the right hand which is in the lower position, she holds abhaya mudra (protective gesture) and blesses devotees to emerge out of fear.
  • One of the gestures of the legs is pointed downward with his left hand to the raised foot to symbolize freedom and grace from the God almighty.
  1. Dwarf Demon (Apasmara): Covering the feet of Shiva stands a dwarf demon known as Apasmara representing ignorance and ego under Shiva’s feet to represent wisdom.
  2. Crescent Moon and the Ganges: This crescent moon symbolizes time and is included in his hair, and the water that constantly gushes from his hair symbolizes the renewal and purification of the river Ganges.
  3. Encircling Flame: In Encircling Flame or Prabhamandala, the circle around Nataraja represents the other half of the cosmic energy that advices and destroys the universe.
  4. SerenePose: Non-volatile movement – Even though Shiva is dancing vigorously, his facial expression is of peace depicting the dynamic aspect of stillness.

The Cosmic Dance: Ananda Tandava and Rudra Tandava

There are generally two broad categories of Shiva’s dance.

  • Ananda Tandava (Dance of Bliss): This form is the dance that symbolizes the bliss that is created in the universe due to the energy of Shiva.

That is why, for example, there is 

  • Rudra Tandava: The dance of destruction that prepares the ground for creation, a new beginning, and a new life.
nataraja statues
View our brass & bronze Nataraja Statues

Nataraja in Spiritual and Scientific Context

Jain’s research highlights that the Nataraja form of Lord Shiva has been a significant topic in discussions across religion, science, and philosophy. Physicists draw parallels between Shiva’s cosmic dance and the kinetic motion of subatomic particles. This cultural association is further exemplified at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), where a statue of Nataraja serves as a symbol of this connection.

Worship and Cultural Influence

There’s one more element of the picture that is obligatory for devotees across India and maybe across the world which is Lord Nataraja or the dancing Shiva which has its connection with Chidambaram, the cosmic dance hall. His dance is an integral feature of the temple and its music and dance programs such as Natyanjali in tune with his persona. 

In addition, through a well-executed Nataraja, it is also possible to see how this motif was adopted in classical Indian dance such as the Bharatnatyam in which the dancer translates Shiva’s rhythm across the cosmos into the dance movements.

nataraja puja worship
Click to View Our Nataraja Statues

Nataraja’s form of Lord Shiva is not only a beautifully depicted sculpture but holds the cosmic aspect of the universe as well. It also reflects the creative and destructive forces, the light and darkness, the movements and non-movement. Thus, one can learn about the existence of the principles that are timeless when observing Nataraja’s dance, so this form of Shiva is considered one of the most sacred in Hinduism.

Explore the divine artistry of Nataraja and other sacred Hindu Gods idols at Lotus Sculpture, where tradition meets craftsmanship in every masterpiece.

Types of Buddha Statues & Their Meanings.

Stone Buddha Statue

The Buddha statues not only stand as an object of art but are also very symbolic and spiritually meaningful which are thus a mirror reflection of the different philosophies of the Buddha. Peace, Harmony, and Mindfulness are the learnings of Buddha to always keep in mind.

This article shares a guide for you to understand the various Buddha statutes that hold various resemblances and how different statutes hold different meanings.

Meditating Buddha (Dhyana Mudra)

Meditating Buddha with his posture sitting in the lotus position, with the legs crossed. The hands rest on the thighs, palms facing upward. This pose represents calm concentration and meditation.

It is also used in the Dhyana Mudra position, which is a sign for spiritual enlightenment, and often a symbol for the practice contained within the places of worship and prayer, Мeditation. Such statues should be placed in calm and peaceful places to create bliss.

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Teaching Buddha (Dharmachakra Mudra)

Buddha is seated upright in this posture, both hands at chest level, with a circle formed between the thumb and the index finger. This is Buddha’s first sermon after he attained enlightenment. The role is to symbolize an uninterrupted stream of energy of the wheels of Dharma.

Such statues should ideally be kept in study areas, libraries, or any space for learning and wisdom.

Reclining Buddha

Reclining Buddha is the Buddha lying on the right side with the head supported by the right hand representing his last days as he transcended to Nirvana.

The status symbolizes the last moment of Buddha conveying his peach, detachment, and the transcendence of the worldly sufferings of the world. 

The ideal placements of such statues are inside the living rooms or at places that you visit mostly to chill. 

View Our Wooden Buddha Statues

Protection Buddha (Abhaya Mudra)

Abhaya Mudra is the position of Buddha facing forward with the palm outward, and the right hand raised This position signifies the art of courage, fearlessness, and protection. This is often used by the elderly to get off of negative energy and provide them and their families with a sense of security. 

This status should be carefully placed on the entrance gates and doors to safeguard homes and offices from negativity and boost morale and courage.

Laughing Buddha (Hotei)

Laughing Buddha is the most popular statue which is significant for spreading abundance and prosperity, joy and happiness. With a plumpy, happy face with a large belly, this status is often believed to carry good luck and wealth to families. 

Such statues should be placed ideally in places like living rooms, office desks, or cash registers to attract positive energy throughout and financial success.

View Our Laughing Buddha Statues

Earth-Touching Buddha (Bhumisparsha Mudra)

The posture of the statue with the left hand resting on the lap and the right hand touching the ground in a Bhumisprsha Mudra holds a very profound spiritual resemblance. The statue symbolizes the moment of the Buddha’s enlightenment, the statue is a proud example of Buddha’s unmoved determination and how you overcome your differences by facing obstacles. 

Such statues are to be placed in places like offices and areas where you need focus and need to resolve.

Walking Buddha

The walking Buddha is the statue of Buddha in a mid-stride where he raises his one hand onto the position such that he grants reassurance to his followers. The true meaning of these statues is to represent grace and movement and the spreading of Dharma. The statue represents the symbol of true spiritual progress.

The ideal way to position such a statue is in the hallways or the entryways to encourage personal growth and movement around the house.

Praying Buddha (Anjali Mudra)

The statue is seated with the palms pressed together in a prayer gesture. The true meaning depicted in this statue is the devotion and the significant gratitude of the one towards the other, the statue is meant for spreading respect and humility among individuals.

Such models are meant to be kept at altars and areas dedicated specially for worship and meditation.

Laughing Buddha with Children

The laughing Buddha with children is the statue where the plumpy Buddha is surrounded by children often resembling fertility and joy. The true meaning of the statue is to bring blessings, family harmony, and joyfulness of good fortune.

The ideal placement of such statues should be kept in rooms or areas where togetherness is celebrated. 

View Our Other Buddha Statues

Buddha Head Statue

The statue of the Buddha’s head with tight curls and a meditative expression is a resemblance of true wisdom, knowledge, and the essence of the teachings. The statue holds great spiritual value and is known to be kept in places where you need good focus and positive energy to keep going. 

The statue is placed mostly in places like shelves and study rooms as a symbol of great introspection.

Choosing the Right Buddha Statue

When you choose the right statue, the most important thing to keep in consideration is the symbol and the energy you wish to carry with the statue. Different Buddha statues holds different energies; you choose the one you like for your space. Every statue has its meaning. Make sure you align those meanings with the right intention to prosper in tranquillity.

Tips to consider when you have purchased the Buddha statue 

  • Always make sure that the statue faces inward this should be kept in mind as the statue facing inward spreads positive energy.
  • Always keep the area clean and clustered with good energy
  • Keep the lighting good and healthy to set in those positive energy


Buddha statues hold great value when it comes to inspiring and bringing in positive energy anywhere you carry it. Whether you seek peace or you want to enhance prosperity and wisdom. When you purchase, choose wisely and each Buddha symbolizes each with its intention and allows you to connect with your profound skill. 

Reasons to have Buddha Statues!

Thai brass buddha statue

Buddha statues have been a symbol of peace and enlightenment for centuries now. This is because these Buddha sculptures hold a special place in homes, gardens, and meditation spaces around the world. Whether you go for Thai Buddha statues, garden Buddha statues, wood Buddha statues, marble Buddha statues, bronze Buddhist statues, Indian brass Buddha statues, Kwan Yin statues or any Buddhist statues. Each piece is carefully crafted to bring beauty, spirituality, and meaning to your life.

This blog will typically explore why owning a Buddha statue can be a valuable addition to your space, along with the unique features of the statues we offer.

1. A Symbol of Peace and Harmony

Statues of Buddha are commonly linked with peace and harmony. The main reason behind this is that they can help you add a touch of tranquility to any home and also can make it seem like a haven. When installed inside homes or arranged in gardens, they tend to emit tranquility by giving the outside area of your house a very soothing ambiance. Moreover, people also decide to put garden Buddha statues to beautify the outdoors and be closer to nature.

Imagine you are walking into a garden that has a stunning bronze statue of the Buddhist god. Buddha’s kind and gentle facial complexion is a reminder to slow down and also encourages one to seize moments as and where they are. At Lotus Sculpture, we provide statuary that brings the spirit of tranquility into the living environment of every customer.

2. Support for Meditation Practices

Meditation is a very powerful practice if you want to have mental clarity and relaxation. Having a Buddha statue in the space where you meditate can basically help you focus and create a peaceful atmosphere. The calm expression and posture of Buddha inspire mindfulness. It also encourages deep breathing.

A wood Buddha statue, for example, can easily bring a natural and grounding element to your meditation area. The warm tones of the wood create a soothing vibe. Thus, this helps to make it easier to relax and concentrate. For a more elegant option, you can go for our marble Buddha statues. These statues basically help you add a touch of purity and simplicity to your sacred space.

View our wooden Buddha statues

Plus, it is also believed that placing a Buddha statue at eye level during meditation can also help you stay centered. It serves as a gentle reminder to let go of distractions. Hence, it can help you relax and focus on inner peace.

3. Enhancing Your Home’s Aesthetic

The Buddha statues are not only symbols of spiritual images or visions. They are also excellent pieces of art. They are also useful in improving the look of any given room. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern look, there is a Buddha statue to match your style.

At Lotus Sculpture, we offer a diverse range of designs. Our Indian brass Buddha statues are perfect for those who appreciate traditional art. These statues feature intricate details and vibrant finishes. Thereby, making them elegant pieces in any home. Plus, if you prefer a minimalist style then you can go for our marble Buddha statues are an excellent choice.

4. Strengthening Spiritual Connections

To most people a statue of the Buddha gives direction. It acts as an important message to be kind, loving, and to be aware of what is happening in this world. Thus, having a Buddha statue in your home or an outside area of your house will make that specific space create an environment of spiritual development.

Our bronze icons of Buddhas are in greater Demand from the enthusiasts in spirituality. This is because bronze never goes out of fashion, and the calm expression on the face of the Buddha makes it look very inspiring.

For those who appreciate our products with the energy of the water element, we have created Kwan Yin statues. Kwan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy in the Buddhist religious customs. These statues will be ideal for anyone who wishes to bring good values such as harmony and compassion into his/her life.

View our brass Buddha statues

5. Perfect for Outdoor Spaces

Both interiors and exterior areas of homes are appropriate places to put Buddha sculptures. But, the most popular places are gardens. A garden Buddha statue will add a sort of spiritual feel to your garden and make it a place of relaxation. If the statue is placed surrounded by lush trees or bushes, flowers, or water fountains then it will create an environment that looks quite organic, and blessed.

At Lotus Sculpture we also have marble Buddha and bronze Buddhist statues which are ideal for use in the outdoors. These materials are not only durable to last through different weather changes but they will also bring elegance to your garden.

6. Bringing Good Luck and Positive Energy

In many cultures, a Buddha statue is believed to bring good luck and positive energy. It is seen as a source of blessings and protection. This means that placing a Buddha statue in your home or garden can create a positive atmosphere and attract prosperity. Our Kwan Yin statues which typically represent the goddess of compassion are very much popular with those who are out there seeking to enhance harmony and positivity in their lives.

7. A Meaningful Gift

A Buddha statue is an excellent thoughtful and meaningful gift. It can be gifted on occasions like housewarming, wedding, or birthday. Plus, it symbolizes that you are concerned with the well-being and sleep of that person. At Lotus Sculpture we have a range of specially designed gift pieces. For instance, an Indian brass Buddha statue would be the right one for an art lover. Moreover, if you want to gift a token of appreciation for a spiritual friend then you can gift a marble Buddha statue or Kwan Yin statue.

8. Timeless Beauty and Durability

Buddha statues are not mere beautification structures. These are classic timeless pieces and they will remain so forever and more. As these artifacts are made from metals, stones such as marble, and woods like olive wood they were designed for durability. So, the Buddha sculptures from Lotus Sculpture are an investment in beauty, culture, and spirit that will give long-term benefits.


A Buddha statue is much more than a decorative piece. It symbolizes peace, enhances spirituality, and brings beauty to your space. Whether you’re looking for a Thai Buddha statue, a garden Buddha statue, or an Indian brass Buddha statue, Lotus Sculpture has the perfect piece for you.

Explore our collection at Lotus Sculpture today. Bring peace, beauty, and positive energy to your home or garden with a perfect high-quality Buddha statue. Find the perfect piece to create your sanctuary and make your space truly special!

Facts About Buddha Statues We Might Not Know! 

From ancient times, Buddha statues have held a very special place in art, spirituality, as well as culture all over the world. Moreover, they not just represent the relaxed and serene expression but also offer very precise details that are not just a symbol of decoration but also of peace, wisdom, as well as enlightenment. Furthermore, in the USA, people are getting quite curious about Buddhism as well as mindfulness practices, which perfectly signifies the overall glory of Buddhist statues as not just a part of spirituality but also an artistic treasure.

However, there are lots of people who are still confused about ‘how much do we even know about these statues or is it enough what we know about them?’ Therefore, here in this article, we’ll explore some of the most interesting facts about these Buddha statues in order to help you create a deeper connection with Buddhism in the long run.

1. Not All Buddha Statues Represents Gautama Buddha  

It is often considered as one of the most famous misconceptions about these statutes, as many people think that they only depict Gautam Buddha, the well-known founder of Buddhism. Meanwhile, these statues don’t only depict Gautam Buddha, but also represent some core values of an overall enlightened being such as Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of the future, as well as Amitabha Buddha which is primarily associated with boundless light and an infinite compassion. Moreover, each statue has its own significance and represents a unique version of Buddhist philosophy as well as learning.

For instance, the statue of the Laughing Buddha, often mistaken as Gautam Buddha primarily represents Budai, a Chinese monk, who was well-known for his cheerful nature. Moreover, it also represents happiness, abundance, as well as a good future.

View Our Laughing Buddha Statues

2. The Hand Gestures Have Deep Meanings  

It is often considered as one of the most attractive features of the Buddha sculptures and are also called Mudras. Moreover, each of these gestures holds a significant meaning and is considered as an integral part of the Buddhist art and meditation practices. Furthermore, here are some of the common mudras as well as their significance so that you can understand them in a better way.

  • Dharmachakra Mudra (Wheel of Dharma): It usually represents teaching as well as the overall transmission of Buddhist knowledge or philosophy.
  • Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Touching): It represents the overall enlightenment of the Buddha under the Bodhi tree.
  • Dhyana Mudra (Meditation): It is often considered as a meditative pose which represents concentration as well as inner peace at its best.
  • Abhaya Mudra (Fearlessness): It usually represents protection, reassurance, as well as fearlessness from every situation.

3. Buddha Statues Comes in Various Postures  

These Buddha statues usually represent three postures such as sitting, standing, as well as reclining and each one of them offers a different phase of the life lessons of the Buddha.

  • Sitting Buddha: It is often considered as one of the most common postures which represents meditation, enlightenment, as well as teaching. Moreover, it also represents the Buddha into a lotus position that creates a sense of focus as well as tranquility.
  • Standing Buddha: It usually represents blessings, compassion, as well as protection. Moreover, it also represents the Buddha addressing his followers or teaching lessons during traveling.
  • Reclining Buddha: It usually signifies the Buddha in a moment just before entering the stage of Parinirvana (tranquility) or the final stage of enlightenment or detachment from everything.
View our marble buddha statues

4. The Materials of Buddha Statues Holds Symbolism  

The materials that are used in the crafting of these spiritual Buddha statues are often well-known to carry some spiritual meaning which can reflect the principle or cultural traditions of Buddhism.

  • Bronze Buddhist Statues: They usually represent durability as well as timelessness which makes them one of the best to depict the eternal wisdom of the Buddha.
  • Wood Buddha Statues: They usually represent simplicity as well as humanity which is often considered as a subpart of Zen Buddhism.
  • Marble Buddha Statues: They usually reflect the overall strength, stability, as well as alignment with the non-movable nature of the lesson of the Buddha.
  • Golden Buddha Statues: They usually reflect a sense of purity, energy, as well the divine nature of the Buddha.

5. Buddha Statues Reflects Regional Influences  

Although the core essence of the Buddha statues remains the same, their designs greatly vary from region to region, which also represents their local cultural influences as well as artistic styles.

  • Indian Buddha Statues: They usually have intricate details as well as mudras or poses that effectively signify the origin of Buddhism in India.
  • Thai Buddha Statues: They are often considered as very famous due to their elongated features, flame-like head ornaments, as well as timeless postures.  
  • Kwan Yin Statues: They are usually crafted to appear very minimalistic and reflect simplicity that perfectly aligns with the Zen principles of Buddhism.


Buddha sculptures are not just a piece of decoration but are also considered as one of the most powerful symbols of spirituality as well as enlightenment of overall well-being. Moreover, each of the Buddhist statues like the garden Buddha statue or Tara Buddha statue has their own significance as well as lessons in Buddhism. Furthermore, the material that is used to make these statues like the stone buddha, marble Buddha, Indian brass Buddha statues, or golden Buddha reflects a lot about their overall significance in Zen Buddhism. Therefore, whether you’re attracted to them just for their artistic elegance or spiritual power they always have something to offer every individual.

Are you also excited to welcome the timeless elegance and wisdom of the Buddha statue into your pristine home? Then, don’t look any further and contact Lotus Sculpture today to explore the wide range of premium Buddha statues that are specially designed to offer you much-needed peace as well as mindfulness. Visit us today to explore our premium collection in order to bring the serenity of Lord Buddha into your home!

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